In a wedding, flowers play a part that’s too precious to overlook. Used extensively all throughout the event, from church to reception arrangements, from bouquets to head dresses, flowers predominantly set the mood of the occasion. With precise choice of flowers, and a florist’s clever hands, flowers bequeath its inherent splendor to a wedding ceremony and make the glowing bride even more vibrant and beautiful.
When showing up for your appointment with the florist, be prepared.
- Decide on how much you want to spend on flowers.
- Think about your wedding motif and the color schemes of the church and venue, then consider the appropriate colors that you want to stand out in the floral arrangements.
- Be familiar with the flowers available in the market and make out your preferences.
- If there is a particular design that you want achieved in the flower arrangements, provide your florist with clear instructions. Better yet, furnish her with clippings or photos of flower arrangements that you wish to be replicated on your big day.
- Come up with a list of florists that you want to visit. For sources, you can check the internet, yellow pages, wedding publications, or ask for recommendations from friends or relatives.
- When visiting the florists it is wise to carry with you a list of questions that you would like to ask, as well as specifications of the flower arrangements you intend to have on your wedding day.